Ash and Pikachu Departing Pokémon Anime as New Protagonists Liko and Roy Set to Debut
The Pokémon anime is witnessing the departure of its long-serving protagonists Ash and Pikachu. The new animated series will feature new protagonists Liko and Roy. Recently, The Pokémon Company has released some early footage of the new season, which includes the character art for Liko, Roy, Friede, and Captain Pikachu. The footage also includes Liko choosing her Sprigatito partner, making friends at school, and getting ready to battle the Ceruledge. Moreover, the trailer features Friede descending onto the scene on the back of a Charizard.
While it is disheartening to bid adieu to Ash and Pikachu, the new cast give reason to feel optimistic. The first hour-long special episode will air in Japan on April 14, with the anime wrapping up farewell episodes dedicated to Ash and Pikachu’s 25-year journey. Additionally, the final episode will air in Japan on March 24, featuring a heart-to-heart between Ash and his original rival Gary. However, for fans outside Japan, it will be a while before the English dub of Liko and Roy’s debut arrives on Netflix since it will be several episodes behind the Japanese broadcast by then. This gives fans ample time to watch Ash and Pikachu’s earlier adventures if they can deal with the fact that the series’ 25-year run is divided between multiple streaming apps.