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HomeNewsDead Space fan mod turns the game into a first-person experience

Dead Space fan mod turns the game into a first-person experience

Dead Space fan mod turns the game into a first-person experience

A fan-made mod enables the original version of Dead Space to be played in first-person mode. Reverse Engineering Gamer created the mod, first released in 2008 and available on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC, turns the third-person game into a terrifying first-person survival horror experience. The mod can be downloaded from Nexus mods and required several months of tweaking and tuning to make it playable while retaining the difficulty of the original game.

The original Dead Space by Visceral Games, and its 2023 remake, showed the protagonist Issac Clarke’s back and body, which features health and other HUD elements. The mod eliminates the elements and turns the game into an FPS experience, enhancing the scares and difficulty. The mod creator admits that there were some frustrating times while making the mod, but overall, had a lot of fun working on the project. Players will have to apply health packs into their faces without knowing their condition while running from enemies.

Alejandro Gomez
Alejandro Gomez

Alejandro Gomez is a talented Puerto Rican-American sports journalist with a passion for covering boxing, basketball, baseball, and football. A graduate of New York University's journalism program, Alejandro has made a name for himself as one of the most insightful and engaging sports writers in the industry.

Alejandro's love for sports started when he was a child and played basketball with his friends. From then on, he was drawn to the thrill and excitement of team sports. His favorite sports include boxing, basketball, baseball, and football. He is known for his thoughtful analysis of games and events, and his ability to capture the drama and excitement of each sport in his writing.

When he's not busy writing about sports, Alejandro enjoys spending time with his son Diego, watching basketball games together and bonding over their shared love of the sport. He also loves cooking up his favorite dish of arroz con gandules and exploring new recipes in his kitchen.

With his engaging writing style and in-depth knowledge of sports, Alejandro Gomez is a standout in the world of sports journalism.


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