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HomeNewsThe Last of Us Episode 7 Recap

The Last of Us Episode 7 Recap

The Last of Us Episode 7 Recap: When We Are in Need, We Meet David

Joel and Ellie are nearing the end of their journey, with just one episode to go. Episode 7, ‘When We Are in Need,’ corresponds to the game’s winter section, though the TV adaptation isn’t using the same seasonal structure. In this episode, Ellie hunts a deer she spots in the woods, which leads her to David, a preacher and predator.

Although the episode is faithful to the game in terms of dialogue, the show prioritizes character development over combat. David’s role as a preacher is foregrounded in the show, and we get more insight into his congregation’s struggles. One member of the flock suggests killing Joel and Ellie, and David backhands her in front of everyone.

The TV adaptation makes David even more disturbing than he was in the game, but the purpose of the winter chapter within the narrative is clearer. Separating the characters while both are in dire straits drives home the importance of their bond to each other.

John Park
John Park

John Park is a talented American sports journalist with a passion for covering tennis, golf, swimming, and hiking. A graduate of the University of California, Berkeley's journalism program, John has made a name for himself as one of the most insightful and engaging sports writers in the industry.

John's love for sports started when he was a child and picked up tennis as a hobby. From then on, he was drawn to the mental and physical challenges of individual sports. His favorite sports include tennis, golf, swimming, and hiking. He has a keen eye for detail and is known for providing insightful analysis of the latest news and events in each sport.

When he's not busy writing about sports, John enjoys spending time with his children Eric and Sophia, going on hikes with them and exploring nature. He also loves cooking up his favorite dish of bibimbap and trying new recipes from around the world.

With his depth of knowledge and engaging writing style, John Park is a standout in the world of sports journalism.


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